AllVolume 25Issue: 2-3Year: 2018Table of ContentForeword: A Tribute to the Messenger Shaman: Roy AscottArticles: Roy Ascott—Early Interactive Work and Some Cybernetic RelationalitiesEcstatic AscottEncounters with the Psibernetic: A Controlled Free-Fall into a Techno-AbyssThe Topology of Technoetics Via Theōria: Roy Ascott and the Techne of La Plissure du TexteThe Humanities and Arts as Producers of New KnowledgeUnruly ConnectionsDistributed MindsThe Shaman of Cybernetic Futures: Art, Ritual and Transcendence in Fields of the Networked MindAppendices: 1: Glossary2: Ascott's Professional History3: Ascott's Art4: Ascott's PublicationsColumn: Virtual Logic—Guest Column: On Abyss WagersBook Review: The Self Is Something Less, Not More, than MatterThe Unification of Information Studies Through DiversityPoems: Beyond AbstractionFeatured Artist: Josephine Coy